How to take care of the baby in Summer
The heat of summer is hard for everyone. It is unbearable for children. They are very sensitive and cannot adapt easily to very hot weather.
In extreme heat, children face various health complications. So parents should be aware of their care at all times. The baby just needs care every moment. Be it winter, summer or rainy season. However, hot periods become more difficult for children than at other times. At this time children can get various ailments.
Here's how to take care of your baby this summer:
Chickenpox or chicken pox:
During this time children get chicken pox. It is more common in children aged 1-5 years. However, the risk of getting the disease is greatly reduced if the chicken pox vaccine. Special care should be taken of the child during this illness. She should wear soft light cotton clothes. Eat liquid or soft foods. Drink more water as needed. Must be breastfed with it.
Skin rash or rash:
This problem is more common in children in summer. Usually, there is a rash or red rash on the skin. The baby must be kept clean. Regular baths and clean clothes should be worn. You can apply baby powder to the blister areas. This will reduce the itching a bit. Each time the baby changes clothes, wipe the baby with a soft damp cloth and apply the powder. Many times it may be due to the diaphragm. So make sure that wet diapers do not stay on the baby for a long time. If the diaper is damaged, immediately open it and put on a new diaper. However, it is better not to wear diapers for a long time during hot weather. In many cases, if the rash becomes more, it can become a wound. In that case, expert advice must be taken.
Stomach upset:
Stomach upset is more common during hot weather. If the baby has an upset stomach, he should be given saline frequently. He should drink water or coconut water with it. At the same time, he should be given liquid food. This rule should be followed as long as the child's bowel movement is not normal.
Care should be taken so that the baby does not become dehydrated and his urine volume remains normal. In addition, if the baby goes to the toilet with blood, you must take the advice of an expert without neglecting it. In the case of six-month-old infants, breast milk cannot be stopped at this time under any circumstances. He should also be given water and other food.
Cold Problems:
Colds are more common in children in hot weather. Excessive sweating in hot weather can lead to a cold. So if the child gets tired, he should immediately wipe his body and change his clothes. In hot weather, the baby should be bathed regularly. The body and the environment must be kept clean. At this time, the baby may become mum due to a cold. Mums often recover in a short time. But after a long time, the child is given MMR injection. Besides, it is necessary to take action as per the advice of experts.
Besides, you have to pay attention to the darling little girl's hair in this heat. In hot weather, the hairy horse gets sweaty and there is an attack of dust and sand. So take special care of children's hair first to prevent disease. Excessive heat often causes dandruff or itching on the skin. So at the beginning of the summer, the baby's hair should be cut short. The hair roots get sweaty but it dries quickly.
Children one year of age or younger must have their heads shaved during hot weather. And if you want to keep your hair long, take care of it a little more. Wipe the hair well after bathing. Comb the hair properly with a large comb. Then when the hair is dry, tie it well. They need to use suitable and good quality shampoo on the baby's hair. Separate combs should be used for them. It is better to shampoo the baby's hair two days a week.
Useful Tips:
1. In hot weather, the baby should be bathed regularly and kept away from dust and sand as much as possible.
2. Always keep clean drinking water with your baby when you go out.
3. If you sweat, you have to wipe off the sweat. When the body sweat dries, the baby may feel cold.
4. It is best to feed the baby soft foods as much as possible.
5. The skin should be kept clean so that rashes do not become a problem.
6. Drink plenty of water, so that the amount of urine is normal.
7. Newborns should always be covered to keep their bodies warm. However, care must be taken not to get tired.
8. Outbreaks of mosquitoes, flies, ants, and other insects are seen during hot weather. These can cause illness in the baby. The house should be kept free from insects.